
Evaluatie van een combinatie-therapie voor recidiverend auriculair keloid.

By |2020-04-14T20:38:23+02:00april 4th, 2019|Categorieën: Wetenschap|

Researchers: Frank Datema, Joan Saridin, Ferdinand Timmer Auricular keloid following (micro) trauma of the skin and cartilage can have a tremendous negative impact on quality of life. Despite various treatment modalities, recurrence [...]

Wat is de ideale behandeling van het nasaal dermoid en hoe goed doen we het?

By |2019-02-06T10:23:52+01:00februari 6th, 2019|Categorieën: Wetenschap|

Researchers:  Ajay Bakas, Anne Duvekot, Frank Datema The nasal dermoid is a rare congenital midline lesion with a yearly incidence of approximately 1:20.000-40.000 births. The treatment of a nasal dermoid is always surgical. [...]

Slechte indicaties voor homoloog ribkraakbeen gebruik tijdens rhinoplastiek

By |2019-02-06T11:29:24+01:00februari 5th, 2019|Categorieën: Wetenschap|

Researchers: Floris van Zijl, Frank Datema The use of homologeous rib cartilage in rhinoplasty is well described in literature and given most indications known as safe, effective and durable material. Routine outcome measurements [...]

Is capsaïcine echt effectief in de behandeling van niet-allergische rhinitis?

By |2019-02-05T16:45:23+01:00februari 5th, 2019|Categorieën: Wetenschap|

Researchers: Anne Duvekot, Frank Datema Question: What is the current opinion about the effectiveness of intranasal capsaicin in patients with idiopathic rhinitis? Findings: A critical appraisal of up-to-date literature concludes that some [...]

Is een gemiddelde neus een aantrekkelijke neus?

By |2019-02-05T16:36:53+01:00februari 5th, 2019|Categorieën: Wetenschap|

Researchers: Floris van Zijl, David Perrett, Dengke Xiao, Peter Lohuis, Frank Datema Evolutionary psychologists have studied facial attractiveness extensively by linking the importance of attractiveness to human interactions and sexual selection. This [...]